Friday, October 24, 2008

Look before you leap

"Be careful for what you wish, your prayers might just be answered", is my new and improved version of the famous idiom. Back then I could have never imagined that things can go so horribly wrong. Its been more than a decade since the classic "break off" and I find myself unable to move on completely. Now is such a thing so difficult after all? Maybe, maybe not. Although one might be tempted to say that its not so difficult, given the time, and all, to really make an educated guess (I wonder who would want to quantify such a thing, but this just seems the effect of the process documents I'm reading at the new job!) about the difficulty level, one needs to know what went into the relationship rather than what caused it to crumble. In my case, one thing; one powerful thing; a prayer. Yes, I used to pray a lot back then and only for one thing - to keep us, the happy couple, together forever. Unfortunately the prayers have been answered. So even now, after almost everything we tend to be attached in some way.
Although I am not praying otherwise, if anyone knows an "undo prayer" technique please let me know.

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